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Financial Resolutions - What steps can you take in 2017 to connect your personal finances with your

Emily Macpherson

Financial Resolutions

The fun and festivities of Christmas give most of us a break from the routines that occupy our daily lives. Before we get too far absorbed back in to the daily grind, the new year presents an ideal time for us to take a step back and consider whether there is anything we can change in our daily lives to make them more fulfilling and in tune with our higher values.

Identifying what you value most in life and how you can therefore adapt life for the better isn’t as straightforward as just asking yourself the question. We find it useful to consider the following areas to build a clear picture of what is really important to you:

Safety and Security: Hopefully you have air to breath, water to drink, a roof over your head and food on the table. Is there anything threatening this security? Could there be anything that might threaten it I the future? Where do you live? How do you eat? Is there anything you would like to change?

People: Genuine connections with family, friends and wider communities are vital to our personal wellbeing. Who do you enjoy spending time with? Are there people or communities you would like to know more about? Are there people you spend time with who sap your energy and enthusiasm? What can you change to build deeper more meaningful connections?

Improvement; Personal development can take many forms and helps us to develop our identities, talents and potential. What activities do you undertake that improve your self-awareness, health, employability, skills and expertise? Is there more you would like to do?

Recreation and Relaxation: It is really important to make time to relax and take enjoyment in recreational activities. Are there any new activities you would like to try this year? Or perhaps there are some activities you have tried in the past but haven’t had time to keep up with.

Imprint; What would you like your lasting legacy to be? Perhaps building wealth and/or wisdom for children or grandchildren, or having a lasting impact on the lives of your customers, students or in your community. What are you doing now to create your lasting legacy?

The Universe; Whether it’s through nature, gardening, astronomy, travel or some other means, connecting with a world that’s bigger than our own is an important aspect of life. How do you enjoy connecting with the universe?

After thinking more generally about what you value most and how you might be able to make small life changes for the better, think specifically about your personal finances. Are there any steps you can take to build clarity, reduce stress or take greater control over the coming 12 months?

Please contact us to discuss your financial resolutions in more detail. We can help you to explore your personal values and connect your personal finances to them.

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